Begin Again Gif Begin Again Gif Mark Ruffalo
The Accelerant result is the first timed challenge to come up out for the Online vs modern. The challenge is based off of the Madness Combat Newgrounds game under the same name, Accelerant. Released in update 0.two, information technology had taken place over 9/fourteen/21-20/20/Twenty(Originally meant to last till nine/22/21, but was extended)in celebration of Madness twenty-four hour period 2021. In this challenge, Bf duels confronting Hank J. Wimbleton in a rap boxing. During the song though, a familiar foe decides to crash in well.
Completing the claiming normally will advantage the role player with Hank
Completing the challenge in "Fucked" will advantage the role player with Magazine Hank.
In any difficulty other than Fucked difficulty, after Hank shoots Tricky off a cliff, A.A.H.West agents and grunts will come from where Catchy fell, just they will be shot past Sanford and Deimos
In Fucked difficulty, after Hank shoots Catchy off the cliff, Catchy will come back in his Hellclown grade from where he fell, Sanford and Deimos will shoot Tricky everytime Hank attempts to shoot Boyfriend.
Were you looking for the High Effort Hank modernistic, or the Hank J. Wimbleton reskins?
Hank J. Wimbleton, also called but Hank is the main protagonist of the Madness Gainsay serial and the main opponent of Accelerant. Hank's challenge is unlocked past reaching the rank of "Exaggerated Swagger".
In the Madness Combat Series, Hank start appears as a bare character or more normally known equally a Grunt. Throughout the series, Hank goes on a genocide murdering multiple Grunts in order to complete a chore. All the same causing himself to become bandaged, until we see his most popular design within Madness Combat seven: Consternation. In the MAG form (Unlocked by clearing Accelerant on F*cked) He assumes his appearance from Madness Combat eleven: Expurgation, in which he has a large, spiky, charcoal-colored arm. He also assumes minor changes in his fashion, to fit the art mode of the Accelerant (song) design.
Hank wears bandages roofing all of his caput except his face, he wears a black bandana over those bandages on the top of his head. he wears red lensed glasses and a black face mask over his "mouth". On his trunk, he wears more bandages covering almost his whole torso with a spot where it isn't covered, revealing a shirt with what is presumably and visibly a confront on it. He wears a blackness trench glaze over his body and just like almost every other Madness Combat grapheme, has grey shoes.
Static Idle.
Hank spinning his knife before the song starts.
ditto, simply from the fla file.
Left Pose.
ditto, but from the fla file.
Left Gun Pose.
ditto, but from the fla file.
Down Pose.
ditto, but from the fla file.
Downward Gun Pose.
ditto, just from the fla file.
Up Pose.
ditto, merely from the fla file.
Up Gun Pose.
ditto, but from the fla file.
Right Pose.
ditto, but from the fla file.
ditto, simply upscaled.
Right Gun Pose.
ditto, merely from the fla file.
Alternate right Pose at the terminate of his song.
ditto, but from the fla file.
Hank shooting Tricky.
Static Left pose.
Static Left Gun pose.
Static Downward pose.
Static Down Gun pose.
Static Upwards pose.
Static Up Gun pose.
Static Correct pose.
Static Right Gun pose.
Static Alternate right pose at the terminate of his vocal.
The beginning animation of Hank, rocking on with both hands upward.
Hank, rocking on with both hands up.
Ditto, just static.
Hank's spritesheet.
Smaller spritesheet.
Hank's FLA Files.
All poses.
Static idle.
Left pose.
ditto, merely from the fla file.
Down pose.
ditto, but from the fla file.
Upwardly pose.
ditto, but from the fla file.
Right pose.
ditto, merely from the fla file.
Static left pose.
Static down pose.
Static up pose.
Static right pose.
Mag Hank, rocking on with both hands up.
ditto, just from the fla file.
Ditto, but static.
Sprite sheet.
Not to exist confused with TFATM Tricky or FNM's Catchy
Catchy is a zombie-fied clown from the Madness Combat series. Like all other zombies from MC, he has light-green skin and exposed teeth, and his gums and jaws tear through his skin. In this mod he takes on his appearance during Madness Combat: Accelerant before he engages demon mode. He wears a mask with 2 eye holes, and a giant pigsty on the lesser. In the mod, he wears a beige tunic. He holds his signature weapon, a stop sign, simply this time, it withal has it'south base on, and is carmine, dissimilar the gray original.
he wears a iron slab hockey mask, and shakes slightly due to the Improbability Drive. He holds a finish sign. In his demon form, due to the Improbability Drive being turned on to its full power, he is transformed into a gigantic flaming-cherry demon, with all of his body, including his pilus becoming made of burn down, except for his easily and head. His head becomes a monstrous, inhuman skull, and he has pure white eyes, forth with a new set of big, sharp teeth, as well as having claws on his easily.
Static Idle.
Left Pose.
ditto, but from the fla file.
Down Pose.
ditto, but from the fla file.
Up Pose.
ditto, merely from the fla file.
Right Pose.
ditto, simply from the fla file.
full archway animation.
end of entrance animation.
Left Pose.
Down Pose.
Up Pose.
Right Pose.
Tricky'due south sprite sheet.
Tricky's sprite canvas for falling.
Tricky falling afterwards getting shot at past Hank.
Hellclown Tricky's sprite sheet.
Hellclown Tricky's paw sprite sheet.
A shot of Demon Catchy in the BG.
Static Hellclown idle.
Hellclown torso'southward scream.
Hellclown body's idle.
Tricky'due south right manus.
Tricky's left paw.
Mechanics - Tricky archway, bullet and burn down notes
- Bullet Notes: In "Accelerant", Hank spawns bullet notes for you to hitting. If you miss these bullet notes, you lose one-half of your health, and your wellness also temporarily gets tuckered. Missing bullet notes insta-kills you lot on Fucked.
- Burn / Halo Notes: When Tricky shows upwardly in "Accelerant", he volition transport out the fire notes from his modern. Similar in the original Tricky mod, the player must avoid pressing these notes or else they will lose a large chunk of wellness. Fucked difficulty replaces these with Halo notes, which insta-impale you if pressed. They also stay even later Tricky gets shot off equally he reappears.
- HP Lever: In "Accelerant", A lever will announced above the HP bar when Tricky shows upward, draining Boyfriend'southward HP constantly for the rest of the song.
Music and Sounds
This article contains potentially sensitive content that may exist discomforting or upsetting to certain users. Viewer discretion is advised!
Reason: Hanks voice is screechy, too Tricky stills uses his original voice from The Full Ass Catchy Modernistic
3.i (Fucked) |
228,900 (Fucked) |
- Hank originates from Madness Gainsay past Krinkels.
- Hank is i of the few modded characters that has a unlike-colored microphone.
- Hank appeared in the game trailer every bit an upcoming playable character.
- Despite all characters in Madness being shown as male person, all characters are actually genderless shown in a Q&A answered past Krinkels.
- However, Hank is referred to as "they" in the description of Madness Gainsay 9.5, in addition to he/him. They are too called "they" in Nexus 2.
- The Q&A had likewise revealed that;
- Hank has "dabbled in real manor."
- Hank is ambidextrous.
- Hank is bald.
- Hank likes to trip the light fantastic toe.
- Hank was influenced by The Terminator, Blade and the Grammaton Clerics.
- Hank is the tallest compared to Sanford and Deimos.
- Hank was a volleyball tryout and actually wanted to become 1 just Krinkels says that the universe "had other plans".
- Hank was also mentioned in a list of volleyball tryouts in Madness Gainsay four: Embodiment at the surface area with a corner leading to where the vending machine is located and the archway towards the underground expanse where Tricky was at.
- In MashProTato's title screen Hank'south trip the light fantastic is a reference to the catastrophe to Madness Combat 1 where he celebrates his victory by dancing to DJ Birdie Chicken Dance.
- His metal plate jaw comes from his defeat in Madness Combat five: Depredation where his head gets pulled off by Tricky, who replaces his lost lower jaw with a metal plate before reviving him.
- At that place is a fan theory that states that the metal plate within his caput is actually an improbability drive, although this theory has not been confirmed.
- Another fan theory is that the metal plate is the part of Tricky's mask that was cut off during Madness five.
- Hank has 692 kills throughout the entire Madness Combat serial.
- He was backside at least 48% of the kills in the Madness series.
- Hank has died 10 times throughout the series, almost of which he is resurrected past "The Higher Powers."
- The Higher Powers is/are the one(s) to non only resurrect most of the characters but also give them plot armor co-ordinate to Krinkels.
- Hank is the only character in the Madness Combat serial that has a full proper noun.
- Hank, after he died in Madness Gainsay 7, was revived from a motorcar that made him bigger, stronger, and he now has a large, cerise arm that can create bolts of lightning.
- The inspiration behind his arm was a game called Dice By The Sword, in particular, information technology was based off an enemy design.
- Krinkels also said that he liked Asymmetrical character designs.
- The inspiration behind his arm was a game called Dice By The Sword, in particular, information technology was based off an enemy design.
- When Krinkels was asked if Hank would kill Sanford, Deimos and 2BDamned, when he is ordered to, Krinkels replied with: "Hank is very good at his job."
- Hank'due south appearance changes virtually every episode except Madness Gainsay 2: Redeemer, Madness Combat ten: Abrogation, and partially in Madness Gainsay nine.5 because it takes place right after Hank died in Madness Combat: 7: Consternation.
- In addition, he has too gone through the almost costume changes.
- The only episodes Hank isn't seen dead are Madness Combat ane and in Madness Combat 10: Abrogation.
- He is likewise not seen dead in a few not-canon Madness episodes, Incident: 001A and Incident: 100A.
- The only episodes where Hank has non died subsequently being revived are Madness Combat 6: Contempt and Madness Combat 9: Aggregation.
- Hank works for an ambiguous and mostly unknown group of entities called "The Employers", who give his assignments and things to practice for them, such every bit freeing Sanford and Deimos from an AAHW prison in the beginning of Madness: Project Nexus (Classic).
- The Employers are as well sometimes referenced past other characters, every bit seen when MERC soldiers accused Sanford and Deimos for working for the Employers, even though the two haven't fifty-fifty heard of them beforehand.
- The concept art of the Employers resemble ane of Hanks enemies, The Auditor, this implies that the Accountant may be one of them.
- This was later confirmed by Krinkles in an fine art stream.
- The Employers seem to exist godly entities, similarly to the College powers. this is further unsaid when Phobos tried to become one and stated that he was achieving "Godhood" past doing then.
- The Employers seem very similar to another similar group with the aforementioned proper name from the One-half-Life series.
- The "J." in Hank'due south name stands for "Motherfucker", according to Krinkels himself in multiple Madness Combat Discord servers, making his full proper noun: "Hank Motherfucker Wimbleton". How? This is a series where zombie clowns become behemothic fire monstrosities. Don't question things.
- Hank'due south idle animation is based off his appearance in the trailer for the original Friday Night Funkin'.
- Hank'south vocals are similar to that of Austin'south vocals.
- In the files, Accelerant is actually just a modified Terminal Destination chart.
- Accelerant itself is named after a flash game, named Madness Accelerant, where yous play as Hank, taking downwards a demon Tricky the Clown, which likewise inspired the color pallette for Tricky's Hellclown form.
- Tricky knocks Girlfriend off the speakers, coming in past complete surprise, marker the start time a opponent comes in uninvited, bated from Bambi in Splitathon.
- Girlfriend before long walks back in with a hot dog.
- Girlfriend too gets aimed at by Sanford and Deimos, a red dot appearing on her forehead, every bit she raises her arms upward as a somewhat reference to Week vii.
- Catchy is also aimed at similarly when he appears.
- Bullet notes are similar to yellowish lightning bolt-shaped notes of Friday Dark Funkin' Hard disk drive.
- Afterwards Hank shoots Tricky off the speakers, Grunts, ATP Engineers, and 1337 Agents climb up and look over, only to become shot by Sanford and Deimos and fall over.
- Accelerant also adds two new difficulties over Easy and Difficult, while making Hard the normal difficulty. "Baby", and "Fucked" (Fucked is unlocked once the player beats the song on Hard)
- In the Fucked difficulty, Tricky comes back in his HELLCLOWN class.
- Sanford and Deimos shoot at Hellclown Tricky whenever Hank tries to shoot at Beau for the residue of the song.
- Originally, the A.T.P. Engineers bled out the same colored blood as anybody else, even though they drain out yellow blood in the series. This was before long patched out in the 9/16/21 update.
- The helicopter that Sanford and Deimos arrived in is a reference to Madness Combat 6.five, where they flew in the exact same helicopter.
Girlfriend putting upwardly her easily when Deimos and Sanford announced.
Girlfriend with her easily upwardly.
Girlfriend with a hotdog after Tricky'south segment.
Girlfriend running dangerously with THE HOTDOG.
Background used in the Mod.
Sanford and Demios arriving at the background.
Deimos in the groundwork.
Deimos falling from the helicopter.
Deimos shooting.
Sanford in the groundwork.
Sanford falling from the helicopter.
Sanford shooting.
A Grunt getting shot by either Deimos or Sanford during Hank'southward 2nd turn in Accelerant.
An A.T.P Engineer getting shot by Deimos or Sanford during Hank's second plough in Accelerant.
An Agent getting shot by Deimos or Sanford during Hank'south 2d plow in Accelerant.
Helicopter seen in the background in the Hank Challenge.
Deimos sprite sheet in the Online VS claiming.
Sanford'due south Sprite Sheet in the ONLINE V.S. Challenge.
The sprites for the Bullet Notes
GF with Hotdog'southward sprite canvass.
HP lever sprite sheet.
Grunt dying sprite sheet.
Agent dying sprite sheet.
ATP Engineer dying sprite canvas.
The Challeng-EDD issue is the second timed challenge to come out for the Online vs modernistic. The challenge is based off of the blithe series Eddsworld. Released in update 0.iii.9 along with the Unloaded challenge lasting from 1/30/22-6/1/2022. In this challenge, Boyfriend sings a song with Edd, where admittedly no unexpected invitee volition come up in and ruin their time.
Completing the challenge normally will advantage the player with Edd
Completing the challenge in "Fucked" volition advantage the histrion with Tord.
In any difficulty other than Fucked, Eduardo, Jon and Mark volition interrupt Edd and Boyfriend with Eduardo beingness the vocalist.
In Fucked difficulty, Tom doesn't come outside the house as usual due to him leaving the house during End. Afterward, when it is supposed to switch to Eduardo, Jon and Mark, the floor volition instead brainstorm to tremble and Tord appears with his giant robot with Tom appearing at the same time. At the stop of the song, Tom will shoot Tord with his harpoon gun like in the original episode.
Were you looking for a different Edd?
Edd is the main opponent of Challeng-EDD, the main protagonist of Eddsworld and is the avatar and blithe counterpart of Edd Gould (1988-2012).
Edd has straight dark-brown hair with points in some parts and wears a green hoodie with laces and brown pant or khakis. Edd'southward shoes are white and dark-green with laces. He wears a white "Smeg Caput" shirt under his hoodie. In his game over animation, he is by and large seen holding a Coke soda can.
- Edd's favourite drink is cola.
- Edd is the only graphic symbol in the modernistic to help Boyfriend in his rap boxing.
- Edd was the artist.
- Edd loves cola.
- Edd's always trying to brand a pun.
- This might be due to his linguistic EDD-ucation. (
Edd : That's terrible.)
- This might be due to his linguistic EDD-ucation. (
- Edd may or may non know to draw a pineapple.
- This caused a major issue on Tom'southward lore, every bit in "25ft Under the Seat," Tom is shown having a watermelon as a begetter. However, in "Fun Dead," Tom is shown having a pineapple equally a father, causing many fans of the Eddsworld series to be dislocated.
- Edd has a lucky can, which is but a random cola tin he found with a concatenation impaled through it.
- He met Matt in chief school. Matt and Edd were both bullied, but they loved drawing.
Edd'southward Left Pose
Edd's Downwardly Pose
Edd's Upwardly Pose
Edd's Correct Pose
Edd'south "HEY!" Pose
Edd'south Game Over Animation
Edd'due south Game Over Loop
Edd'south Game Over Retry
Edd reacting to Eduardo'south abrupt entrance
Edd reacting to the ground shaking as the Tordbot appears
Edd looking at the Tordbot as it appears
Edd Looking at Tom at the finish of the song.
Edd's Idle during Eduardo's sections (static)
Edd's Left Pose during Eduardo'south sections
Edd'south Downward Pose during Eduardo'southward sections
Edd's Upwards Pose during Eduardo's sections
Edd's Right Pose during Eduardo'southward sections
Edd's Left Pose during Tord's sections
Edd's Downwards Pose during Tord's sections
Edd's Upwards Pose during Tord's sections
Edd's Correct Pose during Tord'due south sections
Were you looking for 3mans_banana's Eduardo?
" Well well well. "
― Eduardo
Eduardo is a secondary opponent of Challeng-EDD (NeighBORES Mix). He is the neighbour and rival of Edd. He, aslope Jon and Mark, merely appears in the "Difficult" difficulty of Challeng-EDD.
He has a resemblance to Edd, the differences being Eduardo has a different-styled chin, peach fuzz facial hair and a night green button-up shirt with a light greyness undershirt instead of a green hoodie.
- Eduardo hates Edd by a lot, to the point of where he tries to out-do everything that Edd does.
- Eduardo is somewhat friendly to Edd after the events of "PowerEdd". After Edd apologized for making fun of him when he got 2nd place in an Art Competition back in schoolhouse.
- Additionally, PowerEdd is where the satellite on Eduardo's firm comes from.
- Eduardo is somewhat friendly to Edd after the events of "PowerEdd". After Edd apologized for making fun of him when he got 2nd place in an Art Competition back in schoolhouse.
- Eduardo's favourite drink is diet cola.
- This has to practice with why they started hating each other,since the cola deliver mispelled the order,giving Eduardo regular cola and Edd diet cola.
- Even though it's shown that Eduardo hates Jon, his has been shown to care for him, as seen in The End: Part 2, after Tordbot destroys Eduardo, Jon and Marking's house, leaving Jon injured,dying later on Jon proverb "something" in response to Eduardo saying "Say something!,Say something youy idiot!.
- Despite only being able to see half of Eduardo's body in the game, he even so has a full grapheme file.
- He, alongside Tricky, are the only opponents who are not playable characters in Online Play.
- Equally of mid-late February 2022, Eduardo has been appearing across the internet as the subject of a meme. The meme ordinarily consists of a clip of a specific song from a mod, then usually before the vanquish drop, the opponent turns into Eduardo and says "Well well well", mirroring Eduardo's unexpected entrance during Challeng-Edd.
- In contrast to Edd's affliction to broccoli, Eduardo is shown to take a fondness for avocado.
"Well well well!"
Eduardo's Singing Poses.
Left Pose.
Down Pose.
Up Pose.
Right Pose.
Eduardo nearly to punch Jon in his correct centre
Ditto, but after punching Jon
"Ow! I didn't even say anyth-"
Were you looking for a dissimilar Tord?
Tord is a secondary opponent of Challeng-EDD (Finish Mix). He was a chief protagonist, later an antagonist in Eddsworld. He only appears in the "Fucked" difficulty of Challeng-EDD. Tord is generally portrayed as a trigger-happy hentai addict.
Tord appears to be a human being with spiky beige pilus, a ruby-red hoodie over a grey acme, dark greyness pants and black and white sneakers. He has a plaster on the left side of his chin. Originally in very early Eddsworld episodes (also known as eddisodes) Tord had a Blackness Jacket and Dark brown hair.
- Tord's Pickelhaube comes from the eddisode "Moving Targets"
- Tord hates the song "Sunshine Lollipops"
- This was get-go seen in "How-do-you-do Hellhole" epissode,when Tord goes to his personal hell
- It was seen over again in the "Ruined" eppisode,after Tord says "ok how could this get any worse?"
- It was slighty seen in "The End (Function ii)" eppisode,after Tom says "HEY! SUNSHINE LOLLIPOPS! TAKE A SEAT!", with Tom throwing a sofa.
- It was seen over again in the "Ruined" eppisode,after Tord says "ok how could this get any worse?"
- This was get-go seen in "How-do-you-do Hellhole" epissode,when Tord goes to his personal hell
- Tord likes cigars.
- Tord is supposed the leader of the Red Army or get him in the future
- Information technology is unknown if Tord survives the autumn at the end of Challeng-EDD.
- Tord is a Norwegian Communist.
- Tord falling behind the house with the parachute might be a reference to his cameo in the eddisode "The Snogre"
Tordbot'due south Full Body.
Static idle.
Tord's Challenge Poses.
Tord's Claiming left pose
Tord's Challenge down pose
Tord's Challenge upwardly pose
Tord's Challenge right pose
"Ha Ha Ha Ha!"
Tord after Swain sings a bit of "Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows."
Tord firing a missile pointer at the player.
"Uh oh."
Tordbot exploding.
Tord falling from the Tordbot.
Tord falling down with a parachute near the house at the kickoff of the song.
Tord'south Static Challenge left pose
Tord'southward Static Challenge down pose
Tord's Static Challenge Up pose
Tord's Static Claiming right pose
"Ha Ha Ha Ha!" but static
Tord subsequently Boyfriend sings a bit of "Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows." simply static
"Aah!" static
"Uh oh." static
Tordbot exploding static
Tord falling from the Tordbot. static.
Tord's playable poses.
Playable Left pose.
Playable Down pose.
Playable Upward pose.
Playable Right pose.
Haha! (Playable)
Neutral Icon
Losing Icon
Mechanics - Wellness Draining and Missile notes
- HP Drain: Tord drains HP every time he hits a notation.
- Missile Notes: Tord sometimes sends out missile notes towards the player, which insta-kill if missed. They are signaled by a crosshair appearing on one of the strikeline'south keys, and movement much faster than a regular note.
Music and Sounds
(1:xv) Eduardo: Well, well, well. |
(ane:twenty) Tord: I'g unstoppable! HAHAHAHA! |
- In Challeng-EDD (Cease Mix), Boyfriend sings a small leitmotif of Lesley Gore's Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows in his first turn against Tord.
- Tord also looks visibly annoyed during that leitmotif, which references the fact on how he dislikes that song.
- In one role of the Eddsworld episode, "Hello Hellhole," he was seen trying to turn off the jukebox which was playing the vocal.
- Tord also looks visibly annoyed during that leitmotif, which references the fact on how he dislikes that song.
- Both versions of Challeng-EDD have the oppening music from the Eddsworld series, and likewise a part of Norway from Tord mod (by BBpanzu).
- Challeng-EDD is one of the few songs to have the events within it change based on difficulty.
- On elevation of this, it is the only challenge where the primary opponent teams up with Beau to defeat a secondary opponent.
- Pressing eight during the vocal will cause it to instantly end, no other claiming song is like this. (Patched).
- Eduardo's lines from Challeng-EDD (NeighBORES Mix) are from the episode Hammer & Fail (Role 1) and Part two, and Tord and Tom'south lines from the End Mix are from the episode The End (Part two).
- The harpoon that pierces the Tordbot is accidentally shown to be fired from the back, even though Tom aimed from the front.
- This is probably due to the fact that in The End (Office 2) Tom fired the harpoon from the back, and the artists most likely referenced it off of that.
- Jon'due south idle animation is titled "JohnChallengeIdle" despite his official proper name being Jon.
- This is the only Eddsworld mod to become best-selling by the current producers of Eddsworld. Albeit through the "Well Well Well" meme.
Tom in the groundwork.
Tom walking into the background.
Tom truing to the speakers.
Tom'due south reaction to Eduardo.
Tom coming to the firm a bit besides late.
"I told yous that harpoon gun would be useful."
Matt in the background.
Matt walking into the background.
Matt'southward reaction to Eduardo.
Matt during Eduardo'southward part.
Matt reacting to the footing shaking.
Matt subsequently the Tordbot explodes.
Jon in the groundwork
Marker in the background
"That'due south not a Noise Note, that's a ROCKET Annotation!"
Background for the song
Ditto but during the 2nd half of Challeng-EDD (Cease Mix)
Boyfriend reacting to the ground shaking.
Ditto, simply static.
Boyfriend's reaction to Tordbot.
Ditto, but static.
Fellow'southward reaction to both (footing shaking and Tordbot).
Boyfriend singing poses during the second one-half of Challeng-EDD (End Mix)
Boyfriend'southward left pose during Tord'southward section.
Young man'due south downward pose during Tord'south section.
Boyfriend's up pose during Tord'southward section.
Boyfriend's right pose during Tord's section.
Swain'south static left pose during Tord's department.
Boyfriend's static down pose during Tord's section.
Young man's static up pose during Tord's section.
Boyfriend'southward static right pose during Tord'southward department.
Young man after the Tord'south bot explodes.
Ditto but in .png
The car who appears in the NeighBORES Mix and before Tordbot appears spritesheet
The plane who appears in the air earlier Tordbot (if the END Mix is selected) spritesheet
Edd Sprites during Challeng-EDD
Edd Sprites while Tord reveals his robot
Edd Sprites during Tord part
Edd Game Over Sprites
Tom Sprites during Challeng-EDD (Neighbo-RES MIX)
Tom sprites during Challeng-EDD (END MIX]
Matt Sprite Sheet
Tordbot exploding Sprites
Tord Sprites
Tord falling from the Tordbot Sprites
Tord falling down with a parachute near the business firm at the beginning of the vocal. Sprites
"Uh oh." Sprites
Playable Tord Sprites
Jon Sprite Sheet
Marking Sprite Sail
Eduardo punching Jon sprite sheet.
Beau Sprites during Tord office
Boyfriend Sprites while Tord reveals his robot
The Unloaded consequence is the second timed challenge to come out for the Online vs modern. The claiming is based off of a Pico blitheness under the same proper noun. Released in update 0.iii.ix along with the Challeng-EDD claiming lasting from ane/30/22-half-dozen/1/2022. In this claiming, Pico, Nene, and Darnell rap and fight off a hoard of Uberkids.
Completing the challenge normally volition reward the player with an Ãœberkid
Completing the challenge in "Fucked" will reward the thespian with Darnell and Nene.
No matter the difficulty, Pico, Darnell and Nene are shown fighting aganist the Ãœberkids, mid-way doing the song Pico will start break-dancing killing multiple Ãœberkids and releasing a bus killing some other Ãœberkids similarly to the original Pico Unloaded video, notwithstanding Pico runs out of ammo at the end of the song so he uppercuts the concluding Ãœberkid too like Pico Unloaded ending.
The Uberkids are the principal opponents of Unloaded and recurring antagonists in the Pico series. They are introduced as clones from the Human Genome Project in Pico V.S. Ãœberkids, and accept since been established every bit expendable enemies in the Mindchamber game and short Pico's Unloaded.
The Ãœberkids announced to take brusk calorie-free brown hair straightly cutting downward the lesser, and white optics. They wear blueish shirts, blue pants, and light bluish shoes.
- The Ãœberkids' voice is Pico'south vox from the game heavily edited.
Left Pose
Downwardly Pose
Up Pose
Right Pose
An Uberkid getting shot by Pico
An Uberkid reacting to an incoming bus
"Hey" Pose
An Uberkid getting hit by a bus
An Uberkid running towards the speakers
An Uberkid readying to unsuccessfully punch Pico.
Pico punching an Uberkid at the end of the vocal
An Uberkid getting stabbed in the head by Nene when approaching the speakers
An Uberkid getting burnt by Darnell when approaching the speakers
Foreground Uberkids
Foreground head getting shot
Left foreground Uberkid getting shot
Correct foreground Uberkid getting shot
The foreground Uberkids getting shot one past 1
Pico is the playable character of Unloaded and the eponymous protagonist of the series with the same name.
Pico's appearance remains mainly the same to his appearance in the base game, with the exception of him holding two Uzis in both hands instead of a Uzi and a microphone.
- Pico's regular idle takes inspiration from his Week 7 appearance on the stage.
Pico whipping out his guns at the starting time of the song
Left Pose
Downward Pose
Upwards Pose
Right Pose
"Hey" Animation
Pico shooting the opposing Uberkid
Pico shooting while breakdancing
Pico shooting the left Uberkid in the foreground
Pico shooting the correct Uberkid in the foreground
Pico shooting rope holding a bus steady
Pico dodging the rolling motorcoach
Pico finding out he used all of his ammunition
Pico nearly to punch the opposing Uberkid at the end of the vocal
Pico punching an Uberkid at the terminate of the vocal
Pico's Game Over blitheness
Game Over loop
Retry Animation
Darnell is a background character of Unloaded.
Darnell has tall black hair which swipes up in a sharp arc to the left, and white sclerae with no pupils as a stylistic choice. He wears a purple shirt with bright yellow sleeves and dark blue trousers. He also wears whitewashed sneakers with bluish soles.
Darnell burning an Uberkid on the speakers
Left Pose
Down Pose
Up Pose
Right Pose
"Hey" Blitheness
Nene is a background grapheme of Unloaded.
Nene has slanted white eyes and brusque, black hair with a pinkish headband. She wears a pink overall brim with a lighter pink long sleeve shirt underneath, lite pinkish socks and pink shoes with eye decorations on the sides.
Nene stabbing an Uberkid in the head on the speakers
Left Pose
Down Pose
Upwardly Pose
Right Pose
"Hey" Animation
Music and Sounds
2.8 (Fucked) |
- Unloaded is a homage to Pico's Unloaded. An animation on Newgrounds.
- This is the only claiming so far to not have a gameplay mechanic, fifty-fifty on Fucked difficulty.
- Information technology's besides the only claiming where the main playable grapheme isn't Boyfriend.
- On meridian of that, it'southward the just claiming to unlock more than i playable grapheme for chirapsia it on the Fucked difficulty.
- Information technology's besides the only claiming where the main playable grapheme isn't Boyfriend.
- At 1:06 minutes into the song, a leitmotif of Pico plays from the base game.
- The Uberkids vocalism is actually a heavily edited version of Pico's voice.
Rolling Bus that kills an Uberkid
Comic Panel showing Pico'southward bullet breaking off rope to release the Autobus
Groundwork showing the street and shops
Background showing the Sky
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